Lehualani Ford
Lehualani Ford
Title: Assistant Coach
Email: lkeka@spscc.edu

Lehualani Keka is an alumni of both Highline College and The Evergreen State College. Originally from the Big Island of Hawaii, Keka was recruited to play volleyball at Highline College in 2015. After two amazing seasons at Highline, and graduating with her associate degree with an emphasis in education in 2017. Keka was recruited by The Evergreen State College and continued her student-athlete journey in Olympia. In 2019 secured her Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies. Keka plans to pursue a Master’s Degree in Sports Administration and Leadership next. Keka has coached girls and women’s volleyball at all levels throughout the South Sound region for seven seasons. One of those seasons was as the assistant coach of the women’s volleyball team at The Evergreen State College